Built upon the WordPress platform

This blog is based on the WordPress platform. I have developed websites and blogs using WordPress in excess of 50 times. My own numerous web properties are all built on the WordPress platform. The reason is simple; WordPress is genius. The design has evolved since the public began using it in 2003 and the current version improves on security and usability immensely. To say I am a fan is an understatement; WordPress rocks.

As an open source project, WordPress has brought together talented developers from around the world. The themes and plug-ins that extend WordPress’s use are just as incredible and those developers should be thanked because many themes and plug-ins are free. Many more are sold at very reasonable cost. To get a website up and running in short order, WordPress is the solution.

Forget knowing how to negotiate CSS, HTML or PHP; the brilliant developers have tackled that problem for you.  Many WordPress themes include an admin or control panel or page that allows the user to change the look of their blog or website by changing the colors, fonts or layout.

As this blog evolves, look for more about WordPress. It would be impossible for me to ignore it.

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