It’s generally not a good idea to mention anything related to politics on a personal blog. After all, you are depending on your blog to land high in search results when someone checking up on you runs a search. For those who work for someone else, that blog content may be read by your employer. If you are self-employed, like I am, you may turn off a potential client with your comments. There is only a 50% chance that the site visitor will agree with your position. For the other 50%, you may lose a potential customer or lose an existing client.
My son’s teacher once told us that he is “experiential” in the way he learns. That means, a person can only relate to something that they have already experienced. It presents a hurdle to learning when most things that are taught are brand new.
When we are judging our president and the job that person has done, we can be experiential. And why not? The condition of the country, our society, the general well-being of the populace and confidence in the future all find their basis in the job the president is doing or has done. When the president is up for re-election, we can look at the experience that others have had with the challenger to determine what that person has accomplished and how they have affected the lives of others.
There is no need to be subjective or dogmatic because the average person can look around and see for themselves the condition of the country, their own situation or the general mood within the culture. Are most people who can work employed? Have salaries kept pace with the cost of living? Does the culture support the best interests of children? Has the president represented all of the people, not just his constituents? Is there a feeling that the administration is transparent? Does the country have a collective sense of pride? These things speak to experience and are the best judge of the job a president has done.
In November, look to actual experience to make a decision. Cast any idealism aside. What has happened is real. This makes for a solid, well-regarded decision.