Twitter Did You Know page

At one point, after creating the Twitter Did You Know page, I decided that when I reached 500knowledge, factoids, trivia, interesting facts, history, Did You Know, twitter, k richard douglas0 followers, I would post an interesting factoid or piece of trivia every singe day.  Well, the number of followers is nearly half way there and that number grows every day.

Did You Know has included interesting facts that were germane to different holidays or anniversaries of events from history. When the page has reached new milestones in terms of followers, it has included trivia that mentioned the same number. All timelines or tweets have been either exactly 140 characters or 139 in nearly all cases. Did You Know does not follow anyone since it’s tweets can’t be intermixed with any distractions.

For anyone who follows Did You Know, the benefits are learning something new and dazzling your friends and family with your deep and broad knowledge.  At some point, the amount of knowledge dispensed on Did You Know will have to increase……significantly.  It may be time to start storing away interesting facts.