The Greatest Gift

We recently recognized Easter and many of us reflected on the significance of that day. We think of the cross as an enduring symbol of what Easter is all about. What we may not realize is that Easter also signifies the greatest gift given to us; every one of us. Some of us have accepted that gift and others have not yet done so. The gift we were offered was that the cross, that cross that we all recognize, could act as a bridge between us and God. What’s more important, is to realize that we don’t deserve that bridge. All of us have done things to disappoint God and in most cases, we don’t even think about it. We could be eternally separated from God in life and death. We are told, in the Bible, that separation from God in death is a place called Hell.

In the Garden of Eden, humans first disappointed God. We showed that we were willing to stray and commit sin. Despite that disappointment, God was willing to send his only son to earth to live a sinless life and then to suffer absolute agony and torture as ransom for the sin we commit as imperfect humans. Christ was the greatest gift that we could possibly get and through his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, we have the chance to never be separated from God. All we have to do is accept Christ Jesus as our personal savior, invite the Holy Ghost into our hearts and be saved from sin. This gift is free and without equal.

What’s also a big blessing to us is that we can pass on that gift to those we care about. We can tell them about Jesus, about his cleansing blood and about the means to eternal life. That is by far the best gift you can give to another human being. You are showing incredible caring and concern about that person when you invite them to know Jesus as their Savior also.  You will experience great joy when they accept Jesus as their Savior because you know you have given them the gift of eternal life in Heaven. There is nothing on this earth that compares.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can pray right now and ask him to come into your life and confess that you know you have been a sinner. You can take it a step further and get baptized and feel born again.  If you have already done this, you can offer this same incomparable gift to someone you care about.  There is no greater gift you can give another person but to lead them to a relationship with Jesus.