This Blog; off-line during August

My apologies to my blog visitors if you tried to access this blog during this month and didn’t find anything. There were at least four days that my hosting service had this blog and a couple dozen of my websites down. This blog and those other websites are visited by people across the country and it is frustrating when a service provider doesn’t provide the up-time guarantee that they claim. We can only hope that this blog and my other sites are not off-line as much in the future.

Malicious code injections took this blog off-line for a couple of hours as well. If you noticed the change in the header, that would be a result of a quick header file swap, without the original graphics. There are people on the Internet who are all about hacking other people’s blogs and websites and causing problems. The header will have to be recreated when time permits.

When viewing Google Analytics, the sharp drop-offs tell the whole story.