You read it everywhere; writers need to use their blog to showcase their writing. I don’t know how many “learn to be a successful freelance writer” articles I’ve read that make this suggestion. The authors assume that writing in a blog is a must for both aspiring writers and established ones.
I take issue with this idea. For me, its like going to work. I write all day long, six days a week. Why do I want to write more when I won’t get paid for it?
The blog concept is one where you write about things that interest you or as a form of online journal. Some people even talk about things that they have a degree of expertise at. The blog should be an exercise in enjoyment, not an extension of the work day.
So in this case, I have to take issue with those who think that a personal blog is a necessary prerequisite for a writer; it isn’t. Writers can start a business, put together a website, including their clip file and take a business approach to their freelance business. Save the blog for the occasional post and the image or video that is worth showcasing. Save the blog for some comments or insights about yourself or your views about some issue.