Happy New Year

Twenty-seventeen……….it kind of rolls off the tongue. I hope it is a good year for anyone reading this post right now. We will be having a “changing of the guard” on January 20th.  I am hopeful that  this signals a new era for the U.S.; one with more opportunities for those who are under or unemployed, a better image of America as the world leader on many fronts, a stimulus for the stock market and more racial harmony.

I also hope its a better year for Christians, who have felt the sting of intolerance and government intrusion in their lives over the past eight years. I pray that a tougher stance against terrorists will result in the enrichment of the lives of Christians around the world, who live in fear today.

For the new year, I have two web properties that are created to serve the needs of the people who use them. They should both bring value to people who need tech items or who require images for websites and blogs. (and want them at low cost)Tech Gear Mart tech for less tablets on sale tvs on sale smart watches for less

My website Flat Gadget has been retired in favor of a more search friendly domain; TechGearMart.com (Tech Gear Mart)  Tech Gear Mart offers all kinds of tech times, from tablets to smart phones, TV’s to whatever is needed to connect a smart home.

The second site will replace the Blog Image Store with a domain that is more inclusive. While still under construction, the new site is called Your Sites Image. ( YourSitesImage.com )  It will offer all original images that can be added to websites and blogs to improve their looks and engage their site visitors.  Most of the pictures/photos will be only $1 or $2. Since most new blog themes, that are magazine style, are heavily dependent on images, this will offer the owners of those sites an inexpensive way to add original images to their blog or websites.

Wishing you a joyous and healthy 2017.

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