Severe COVID; it’s Been Terrible

Tomorrow will be my birthday and the 10th day since COVID symptoms started. I have never been sicker in my life. I have gone through a long list of symptoms since the first day, including incredible body aches from head to toe that felt like someone had hit me with a hammer, bleeding from both sinuses every day, multiple-day headache and neckache, swollen sore throat, a constant racing heart-rate night and day that never improves, intense scalp pain and a constant non-productive hacking cough.

I went from working out every other day for years, and riding my bike 8 miles every morning, to barely being able to walk across the house, and taking the garbage out or checking the mail is a real effort.  I have no strength at all. Typing this is a challenge.

The other day, I thought briefly that I might be turning a corner, but this morning, I awoke drenched in sweat from fever and knew things were not improving. Also, I have no appetite and end up throwing away most of what I make for meals.

I had told my son for the past year and a half, that the only exposure I risk to COVID is through him, so he would have to follow certain safety procedures while visiting my house………but he has never taken these seriously, even though I have told him that COVID could make me very sick. Now, he has only sent me one text in the past 9 days asking about my health.

At this point, I can only hope that there is someone, somewhere who is praying for me.

(UPDATE: 11/22/21 – The COVID lasted from Sept. 14 to the first or second week in October. To this day, I don’t fully have my sense of smell back and it effected my heart. Now, I have a bigger concern)

(UPDATE: 12/5/21 – Still only have a partial return of my sense of smell.  Part of the damage that COVID appears to have done to my heart has been to create bradycardia. My heartrate has slowed down significantly and it began overnight, but now happens during the day.  This is a serious concern because cells and organs don’t get the blood supply and oxygen they need with a very slow heart rate. It also causes weakness.  Need to get to a cardiologist.)

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