Fool Me Once; Our Questionable Media

I saw this video a while back and thought it was very interesting. Not really political, but instead about the very real problem we have with misinformation coming from the media. Like the old adage; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me, it details the very regular lies that the media engages in and the fact that so many people continue to believe those lies.

I remember, many years ago, having a personal experience with something that made the news. The media got much of the story very wrong. Up to that point, I had just assumed that they reported facts and truth. Then, Bernard Goldberg of CBS News came out with his scathing book, detailing how the media purposefully lies. I guess I have been naïve. The people you should be able to trust and they aren’t being truthful. Now, a large portion of the country doubts the veracity of their reporting and news segments. What a shame.

In this PragerU 5-minute video, Tim Pool lists several examples of lies told by the media, some with very real consequences; like impacting an election. Others caused riots and protests. They have been disruptive to American culture and still the media continues telling additional lies. This video is 5-minutes well spent; especially if you weren’t aware that some of the stories you have heard repeatedly were not even true.

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