Gabriella Quevedo Plays Her Arrangement of Stairway to Heaven

I think that Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven must have been one of the first songs I learned on guitar and was able to play with any level of proficiency. It is a masterpiece of a song and a great song to play on guitar. It is immediately recognizable by at least a couple generations of people who hold it in high regard.

I have followed Gabriella Quevedo, the Swedish guitarist and arranger for several years now on YouTube. I believe I have posted at least one of her other arrangements in the past. When I saw that she finally chose to play Stairway to Heaven, and it would be her own arrangement, I had to hear it. It starts out good, and as you get near the 4-minute mark, it becomes mind-boggling for the guitarists in her audience of respectful viewers to imagine playing.

She usually plays some beautiful Taylor guitars, and for this song, she is playing a very nice-looking and sounding Kepma guitar (I think an Elite Grand Auditorium model) that has a wonderful sound.

If you have never heard Gabriella Quevedo play, you are in for a treat; especially playing her arrangement of this incredible classic. Enjoy.

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